This $217 million seismic and restoration program of the State of California’s city block at the San Francisco Civic Center allowed for its reopening to the public in 1999. After the Loma Prieta 7.1 magnitude earthquake in 1989, the project included restoration of the treasured Earl Warren Building (originally built in 1921) and construction of an 800,000 square foot replacement office building on the north end of the site.
Project Challenges
The Earl Warren Building required a massive structural upgrade. At the same time, historically significant cement and ornamental gypsum plasterwork required preservation and repair. Balancing these project requirements was a challenge for all involved.
Berger Bros. Role
Berger Bros. was instrumental in the restoration and re-creation of original plasterwork throughout the public spaces, as well as framing, drywall and glass fiber reinforced gypsum work. The project involved 17,000 yards of interior veneer plaster, 35,000 lineal feet of walls and 3 million square feet of drywall.